Reader’s Journal: The “Bottom” Age

Reader’s Journal: The “Bottom” Age

According to a British medical study, age forty-four is the ultimate age for unhappiness, also known as the infamous midlife crisis. The research shows this age to be at the lowest point of the happiness scale which is U shaped. When I read the study I was alarmed, since my 44th birthday was just around the corner. Before I start stocking up on anti-depressants, I figured I should consult with some of my women friends my age and beyond, to see how they are weathering or weathered the storm of the ultimate age of the midlife crisis.
My friend Terry, age 43, was very candid, “It’s hard now to keep the weight off, and I have all these new issues with my health, and also I have a hard time saving up for retirement. I am worried about the future.” She continued, “There are so many things that I wanted to accomplish in my life, and I feel like I’m running out of time, I regret not being more proactive.”
I had no response. I also regret not doing so many things, taking time for granted. I had put some of my dreams on hold always thinking, ”One day”. I felt a sharp pain in my gut. The midlife unhappiness was slowly beginning to seep into my consciousness.

Another friend Rachel, a self-made multi millionaire who is turning forty-five next month, has all the money and security she needs but does that mean a happy “ bottom age?”
“I am breaking out like never before, it must be my hormones going out of whack.” She said, which made me wonder. My pimply stage extended way beyond my adolescence, I had them on my back and chin until my late twenties. Why should such nasty little things reappear now when my joints had also started to ache? It didn’t seem fair.
My conversation with Rachel revealed yet another issue; the fear of looking older, which I am very well acquainted with. “Well botox only last for so long,” Rachel noted, “and more is needed more frequently, and the numbness!”


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