What is the Higher Self?

            What is the Higher Self?
What is the Higher Self?

When I refer to the words Higher Self, I mean your real self.  The true you, or what is commonly known as your ‘authentic self.’  Here within this column we will reach beyond the expectations of society, and explore the world of the unknown, or perhaps the unknown to you.  We’ll talk about hot topics as featured on Oprah, or what is being discussed by Dr. Phil.  You might learn new ideas, or maybe stretch your imagination beyond the limitations of your reality. 

This column is where we are going to have fun each month.  For instance, this month we’ll be talking about-" what exactly is ‘your higher self?"  Think of your ‘higher self’ as the wisdom that we hold in our hearts.  Wisdom is gained by personal experience and the intellect of the person.  Wisdom is the heart felt emotional intelligence that is applied to ourselves.  It’s a sense of knowing without knowing how.  It defies common sense, yet it makes sense.  Sure we all have intelligenence ,and I’m going to assuming that my reading audience is highly intelligent, but intelligence is not what we call wisdom, nor is analytical intelligence connected to our ‘higher selves.”

Our higher selves are another way to describe our intuitive selves.  Our intuitive selves access the wisdom from our hearts that we have gleaned from intelligence, and experience in the world we live in. Wisdom is what we take from our everyday thinking lives and applying it to our feeling heart.

For example, let’s say you just met a guy you are really hot about.  I mean you are head over heels in love (lust) for this guy and you want him bad!  By this time you are thinking of all kinds of ways to meet with him, or connect up with him!  You want to be there at the right place to meet him -so he will notice you. By this time, you don’t care, you just want to meet him.   You know you want him, but your wisdom which is connected to your higher self tells you to wait.  But something is not right. 

No matter how much you desire this guy, you wait.  You know it’s not the time to strike, or is it wise not to pursue so you wait.  You higher self is that inner voice inside of you, calm, speaking to you with a sense of knowing and firmness, yet your lower mind or your ego wants him NOW!  But you wait. 

It’s a good thing that you did!  It’s a good thing that you listened to your higher self!  Because lo and behold -it comes out that this guy is gay, and has no interests in you other than being your friend!  Your higher self knew all along- no matter much your desires were telling you other wise.   That’s what I mean by your higher self. 

Your higher self is always there, protecting you.  It knows your future; it even remembers your past life.  Your higher self can even recognize your soul mate if you learn to trust your ‘higher self! Your higher self is the real you beyond the masks that you wear as you strive to live up to today’s standards and society’s expectations.

The next time you have to make a decision or know that you must do something take the time to listen to your higher self.

Until next time!


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