Three Feet From Gold

                        Three Feet From Gold

Three Feet From Gold

Do you give up at the first sign of opposition? “One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is over taken by temporary defeat”- Napoleon Hill- Author of Think and Grow Rich…
More than five hundred of the most successful men this country has ever known told the author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them…. One of the stories in this book is about a man named Darby who many years ago went to Colorado during the gold rush to find his fortune… He staked his claim, bought a pick and a shovel and went to work …
After weeks of digging he struck gold… When this happened he decided to go borrow some money from friends and family to purchase the necessary machinery to finish the job… In doing so he managed to get the first load of gold to pay off his debt and now he was ready for the profits… Then something happened, the vein of gold had disappeared… They desperately kept drilling and finally, they decided to quit…

They sold the machinery to a junkman for a few hundred dollars and went back home… Little did they know the junkman had called in an engineer to do a little calculating… The engineer discovered that the project had failed because the Darby’s were not familiar with fault lines… His calculations showed that the gold vein would be found just three feet away… Long story short, the junkman ended up taking millions of dollars of gold from the mine as he knew enough to seek expert advice before giving up…
The moral of the story… If at first you don’t succeed try, try again… Gain a new perspective… Here’s yet another great thing we can learn from our children… Children are so persistent… Have you ever noticed that when a child wants something they are relentless … If Dad says no then they go ask Mom… They keep at it, even when the going gets tough…
How do they do this? Is it their desire, determination, strong will power perhaps? What is it that keeps them going? I would have to say all of the above play a big role, however, if I had to choose one descriptive word, it word be, Persistence…
What is persistence and how can you attain it? Persistence is a state of mind… Therefore you can cultivate it… If you really want something you have to be willing to go above and beyond the first initial defeat… Don’t take no for an answer…
What are thoughts are focused on? You must have a burning desire… Once you make up your mind… Believe, there’s no room for doubt…It means to have faith when adversity is knocking at your door… The belief that defeat is temporary…
Everything happens for a reason and not everything is meant to be, however, if you put forth 100% in all you do then you can walk away knowing that you gave it your all… I risk and give 100% and if I fall I get back up and I am stronger for it… Those of us that are considered most successful have fallen many times, the only difference is we got back up and did it again…
So when the going get’s tough, the tough get going… Be persistent in your endeavors… Remember the squeaky mouse gets the cheese… So rise above adversity and don’t quit, never give up, the skies the limit…


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