Sweetest Mother’s Day Gift

Sweetest Mother’s Day Gift

Looking for the perfect gift for your mom this Mother’s Day? Forget the flowers and boxes of fat- and calorie-laden sweets and chocolates and ask Fido for shopping advice. Fido will probably take you to the local pet store and steer you toward the balls, Frisbees, ropes for pulling, and stuffed animals to toss around. “Eureka,” you’ll tell Fido. “I’ll give a fitness gift!”

Yes – I love chocolate and flowers as much as the next mom, but chocolates will be eaten too quickly and flowers wilt. When you give a fitness gift, you really are giving a health boost that will last long term. So this year, choose a better gift – an exercise present.
What keeps us from exercising?
We all already know that exercise is good for us, so what keeps us from doing it? This question was studied at the State University of New York at Stonybrook. A group of 97 sedentary women were asked to start a walking program. Almost all of the women found they encountered a number of barriers to sticking with their program:
·         Feeling too busy – 90%
·         Weather problems – 60%
·         Illness or injury – 15%
The good news was that most of these women were able to identify factors that motivated them to stick with their exercise. The #1 factor was having social support or someone to walk with. In most cases, the helpful, motivating person identified was their significant other. If you’re serious about maintaining an exercise program – find a partner. If you commit to walking with your mom or mother-in-law, you’ll become great motivators for each other and probably better friends.
Exercise leads to physical and emotional fitness
Not sure you’ll be able to convince Mom to dust off the old sneakers for hikes in the park? Exercising with others provides physical fitness, improvement in mood, and also a needed daily dose of companionship. Did you know that research has proven that staying socially engaged with friends:
·         Reduces your risk of getting heart disease
·         Reduces your risk of memory loss as you age
·         Results in healthier eating habits
·         Reduces your risk of death
So exercising is good and exercising with a companion is even better for your health. So show Mom you really love her by being an exercise buddy.
Fitness gift ideas
·         Try the budget-conscious gift of homemade coupons, with coupons to redeem for a shared walk in the park, hike in the woods, bike ride, or game of racquetball. Mom will be touched that you’re planning special time together.
·         Purchase updated fitness equipment: jump rope, weights, exercise mat, or even luxurious bath items for after exercise
·         Get her a new exercise outfit or sneakers. Remember – athletic shoes should be replaced regularly. Exercising in old shoes can increase your risk for injury. In general, shoes should be replaced about every 300-500 miles. If Mom’s athletic shoes are a year old – it’s probably past time to replace them to make sure she’s getting proper support.
·         If you really want to splurge, consider a health club membership for two – and make sure you adjust your schedules so you both will use it!
So give Mom a gift to show you really care, and have a healthier Mother’s Day!


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